5 Ways To Radically Improve Your Gut Health

5 Ways To Radically Improve Your Gut Health

You might have heard about your powerful gut microbiome, and how having a healthy and thriving one can impact your health. It’s a bit of a buzzword in health media, and a lot of people think that improving gut health is all about taking probiotics. But, gut health is about more than a good quality…

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How To Live In Sync With Your Day Night Rhythm

A perfect day night rhythm

In a previous blog, we discussed the wonderful benefits of living in sync with your circadian clock or day-night-rhythm.  Enjoy benefits such as improved sleep, increased energy and motivation, increased muscular strength, gut health and a healthy metabolism.  You can read more here: 5 Benefits Of Living In Sync With Your Day-Night-Rhythm.  In this blog,…

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5 Benefits Of Living In Sync With Your Day-Night-Rhythm


Life is about rhythms. The sun rises and sets each day setting the stage for all other rhythms on earth. When humans inhale and exhale, it’s to a rhythm. The heart beats to the rhythm of a pulse circulating nutrients and air throughout the body.  Circadian rhythm, or day-night-rhythm, is the body’s internal 24 hour…

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5 Fun Things To Do That Boost Your Health

5 Fun Things To Do That Boost Your Health

Did you know that embracing life in a fun way has the potential to boost your health and wellness?  Life is a gift. When you seek out the things that energise you, and bring meaning to your life, you might be surprised at how some of them end up boosting your health in some way…

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3 Tips On How To Breathe

3 Tips On How To Breathe

If you haven’t yet, start to become aware of how you breathe. Intentional breathing can improve your resilience, reduce pain, improve posture, soothe stress and lower anxiety (among other wonderful benefits). If you haven’t yet, do yourself a favour and pay a few minutes of attention to how you naturally breathe: Are you taking deep…

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10 Easy Ways To Have More Leafy Greens

10 Easy Ways To Have More Leafy Greens

One of the questions I’m asked is often, how does someone include more leafy greens into everyday eating? It’s a great question and has many creative, fun and tasty answers. In another blog, I mention some benefits and why you should include more leafy greens into your daily routine.  Aside from nurturing skin health, improving…

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The Connection Between Mood, Anxiety, Pain And Breathing

The Connection Between Mood, Anxiety, Pain And Breathing

I was sitting at a local coffee shop in my coastal home town with a young mother who had previously struggled with debilitating neck and shoulder pain. She shared her experience after I was excitedly telling her about how our breathing affects our nervous systems and how people can use breathing as a means to…

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There’s More To Breathing Than You Might Think 

There's more to breathing than you might think

If you start to observe how you breathe, you might be surprised at what you discover. Think about whether you breathe through your nose or mouth. Consider how your shoulders, chest, or belly move when you inhale and exhale. Do you breathe slowly or quickly? Do you find you sigh or yawn often? These are…

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10 Health Benefits of Leafy Greens

As a teenager Dr. Brooke Goldner was diagnosed with Lupus and told she would never have children, and probably be paralysed by the time she turned 40. By adjusting her lifestyle, she began to see a change. One of the adjustments she made was to include a lot more leafy greens in her diet. Eventually, her…

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Embrace Life: Daily Choices That Can Improve Your Well-being

Embrace Life: Daily Choices That Can Improve Your Well-being

Consider your thinking when it comes to health. Do you find yourself focusing more on the ‘why nots’ in terms of food instead of on the benefits of positive choices? For example, maybe you’ve been asking yourself ‘why is sugar so bad?’ instead of ‘what types of food could I eat that will truly nourish…

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Are Milk Products Healthy?

are milk products healthy

A common question I am asked often is, “are milk products healthy?” This blog sheds light on this and proposes ways to enjoy them in healthy ways.  Milk products have been proposed to support bone strength, have high calcium, and are rumoured to promote weight loss. But, some dairy products on the market today are…

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Why Should You Detox?

why should you detox

Did you know that your body was designed to detox naturally? All your bodily systems and processes are wired to rid your body of anything harmful. Think about your digestive system, your clever gut microbiome, your skin, breathing in the fresh O2 and breathing out the CO2 and other toxins.  Everything about us is geared…

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What’s The Deal With Eating Bread?

the deal with bread

The bread we see in the shopping aisles of today is not all the same as it was many years ago. The number of ingredients on bread packaging has multiplied from what it used to be back in the day – a.k.a. flour, salt, olive oil, and water. So, what’s the deal with eating bread?…

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5 Applications for an Immune System Deep Dive Test

Testing the immune system in depth is a completely different story to a simple blood count. You can have a perfectly normal blood count, that looks like this:   While your in depth test could show reds and imbalances on the same day:   This is because the immune system is much more wonderful and…

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Omega 3 and Fatty Acid Testing

I have been involved with fatty acid profile testing since the early 2000s and can assure you that unless you are paying close attention to your omega 3 intake, you are highly likely to have a significant deficiency. Previously it was an expensive and complicated to test, but now you can do an easy test…

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10 things you need to know about vitamin D

1. Vitamin D helps to balance the immune system The key word here is balance. This means that vitamin D strengthens the immune system in its action against infectious disease, while helping to keep inflammation and overshoot reactions under control.   2. Bone health From supporting calcium absorption in the gut to calcium re-uptake in…

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Your genes and your immune system

Your DNA is like an instruction book. It contains the instructions for you to develop, function and grow. The instructions are made up of a varying sequence of four letters.  The four letters represent four amino acids – amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. The instruction sequence with the four letters reminds me…

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Exercise and Resilience

As my alarm clock went off this at 5:30 morning, I immediately had to do some top notch positive self-talk to get over my bad-morning-moment and get motivated for my 6:00 swim training with a friend. Add to that, that today is Friday, and it has been a taxing week. By now I am ready…

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Supplements for Bones, Joints and Muscles

The variety of supplements out there for bones, joints and muscles are as great as the possible reasons for needing them.  I will summarise some of the most important ones and in short why one would choose this particular supplement. Some want to perform better in sports or recover faster after training.  Others are recovering…

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Meal timing and intermittent fasting

meal timing and intermittent fasting

We often talk about what we should and shouldn’t eat.  But in addition to the effects of what we eat on our health, when we eat has a major influence too. A team of researchers from Germany set out to find out more about the impact of meal timing on ageing and metabolic health. As…

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7 ways to boost your mood

1.  Day-night-rhythm Your day-night rhythm and light exposure is closely linked to your mood. Try to live in sync with natural day-night rhythms by reducing bright and blue-white light (including screens) use at night and getting some natural daylight or good blue-white light in the morning. (If you struggle a lot with seasonal affected disorder…

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7 ways to increase glutathione levels naturally

  Glutathione is one of the most powerful health enhancing tools you produce in your own body. With lifestyle habits you can either increase this production or deplete it.   You need glutathione for your immune system to be the superpower it can be. On top of that, glutathione helps to balance inflammatory reactions, supports…

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Hobbits don’t get morning sickness

Ginger does not grow in The Shire. There is no ginger tea, ginger biscuits or ginger sweets. Hobbits had to make other clever plans with their pregnancy-related nausea problems. Are you pregnant, desperate due to constant or extreme nausea and tired of hearing about ginger biscuits? Continue to read. The Hobbits have shared their secrets…

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Where to get really good food and why you should

Imagine you could lose weight or change your blood fat profile (e.g. cholesterol) without changing the amount of animal products you eat, but only the diet of the animals. This might sound a bit far-fetched, but it has actually been proven to happen more than once! Studies have been done checking certain health parameters in…

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Seven a Day

Seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day has been shown over and over again to improve quality of life and lowering the risk of serious disease conditions, such as cancer and heart disease. Fruit and vegetables contain powerful health promotors in their flavours and colours. Here are some food ideas to help you get…

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Simple Spring Clean to detox your body

Spring is a great time to reassess and eliminate some of those bad winter habits that may have snuck in over the last few months. Spring clean your health by doing a simple mini-detox; put some good habits in place for 2 weeks to assist in a better feeling of health and longevity. You will…

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Increasing your husband/partner’s chances of fertility

If you have been trying for a while with no luck, supplements could help significantly to increase the development and quality of the sperm.  Due to changes in the environment and our lifestyles, fertility problems are on the rise. You are not the only ones struggling!   Quality of health plays a major part in improving…

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Gentle and effective ways to treat vaginal thrush/yeast infection

Vaginal thrush is a fungal infection caused by Candida Albicans. Symptoms can include thick smelly white discharge and burning, itching and swelling. Most women have experienced this and some experience it again and again or even chronically. (There are other infection that could cause similar symptoms and a visit to gynecologist would certainly help with…

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Tips for cough relief

Drink water or tea such as ginger and lemon tea, rooibos tea or a herbal cough tea (there is a great variety available). Water or tea can calm down irritation and help loosen mucus. (Do not add milk or sugar to tea, because it could increase mucus production and interfere with immune system function.) Remember…

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Tips for a sore throat

Gargle with saltwater: Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle several times a day. This has been shown in studies to help reduce swelling and pain, loosen mucus and help flush out harmful bacteria from the throat. Add a drop of tea tree oil to the mix to make your saltwater…

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Tips for a blocked or runny nose

Why does your nose run when it’s cold and when you are sick? One of your nose`s very important jobs is to warm the air you breathe and add some moisture to protect you. When it is cold, it tries harder and often produces more mucous in the process. At the same time, the air…

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Happy Gut: 7 steps to keep you regular

Fibre Soaked Chia seeds added to smoothies or bircher muesli Soaked linseeds added to smoothies or bircher muesli Salads for lunch, vegetables for dinner Add to salads raw grated: carrots, beetroot, apple, celery root or baby marrows   Balanced gut flora Avoid all refined sugar and flour Avoid dairy and wheat Use The Real Thing…

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Money matters

Life in sunny South Africa is becoming more and more expensive at an alarming rate. Your favourite cottage cheese might suddenly be 50% more expensive than a month or 2 ago, camping gear 20-40% more expensive and even your supplements are suddenly increasing in price! We seem to be stuck between drought and politics and…

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Why go BPA-free?

“BPA free” has become something many people are aware of and on the lookout for. Interestingly enough, most people however have no idea why they are avoiding it and what this “BPA” is. Even more interesting is the fact that many who are paying so much attention to buying BPA-free things are unknowingly covering themselves…

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How to quit sugar

Quitting sugar has so many wonderful benefits. You feel better, look better, think clearer and lower your risk of a host of nasty diseases. In spite of all these wonderful benefits, just the thought of living without sugar can make most people nervous! This because sugar is highly addictive and if you are using sugar…

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12 ways to strengthen the GUT FLORA

Your gut flora is the foundation of your immune system, it produces some of your most valuable micronutrients, it helps with digestion and supports detoxification! 1. Detoxify the gut Simply put: junk feeds the bad guys and interferes with the happy lives of the good guys. Avoid bad foods, rather have wonderful foods from nature.…

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Hormones and fats

Most people think the only connection between hormones and fat is the fact that unbalanced hormones can make you fat. This is not true! When your hormones are not balanced – this goes for both men and women – one of the consequences could be that you struggle to loose weight. However, there is much…

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The web, the newspapers and magazines are all announcing the coming of the allergy season! Pollen is mostly blamed for allergies, while other triggers such as mould and dust are also mentioned. We are told to use anti-histamines and decongestants to control allergies. However, is that really addressing the problem or are we just doing…

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