Take Back Your Life - 12 Steps to Walk Away from Chronic Pain


Are you in pain every day? Do you desperately want your life back? The sting, and the dull ache of pain all feel frightening. And they do so for good reason: It is to protect you. However, when pain becomes persistent that is no longer helpful. Instead, it is simply exhausting and scary.


In this book, Hester Ladewig shares both her professional and past personal experiences with chronic pain. She gives you options and ways to walk away from it, beyond drugs and surgery which are commonly offered as the only treatment.


This book can help you:

  • Understand chronic pain and what you can do about it.
  • Learn breathing techniques to bring immediate relief and change the pain experience long term.
  • Find out about hands-on therapies that can change how your body works to alleviate pain and help prevent it in future.
  • Understand the impact of food choices and supplements.
  • Find real-life solutions showing it is possible to walk away from chronic pain and take back your life.
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Strengthen Your Immune System and Boost Your Resistance to Disease


Are you afraid of the unseen forces of the microbial world, especially viruses and bacteria? Are you wondering what to do to strengthen your immune system and boost your resistance to infection?


Your immune system is an unseen force too and you have the opportunity every day to boost the power of your immune system.


This book can help you:

  • See that you are well equipped to live with viruses, bacteria and other microbes in your environment and that life without them is not possible
  • Remember that your immune system is your best protection against infection
  • Build day-to-day habits into your life that can powerfully strengthen your immune system and boost your resistance to disease

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