Yummy Brussels Sprouts Recipe

yummy brussels sprouts recipe

With the numerous positive responses from those who have completed my 3-week Detox Course it’s safe to say this Brussels sprouts recipe is a winner. One person said:

I am surprised at how yummy Brussels sprouts can be! I love this recipe and will definitely keep on making it regularly after the detox course is over.”  


  • Enough Brussels Sprouts for everyone
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Coconut oil
  • 1-2 large avocados
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • Olive oil and Herbamare or other natural salt to taste
  • Goat/sheep’s feta (optional)
  • Black pepper


  1. Cut the Brussels Sprouts in half.
  2. Peel a clove of garlic without cutting it.
  3. Fry the Brussels Sprouts together with the garlic and coconut oil. Cover and let them steam over a low heat. (Don’t add water, they will steam in their own juices). Let it go on longer if you prefer the brussels sprouts softer or just a short while if you like them crunchy.
  4. Cut the avocado into chunks.
  5. Dry roast the pumpkin seeds. 
  6. Combine everything into a bowl once the Brussels Sprouts are cooked, including the juice of a lemon, olive oil, Herbamare, salt and black pepper to taste. 
  7. If you like Goat/Sheep’s feta, crumble some in too. 
  8. Add black pepper to taste and drizzle with plenty of olive oil.


Why make this recipe?

The cabbage family of veggies can boost your health in an unthinkable number of ways. They can help your hormone balance, boost your immune system, increase your detoxification capacity, and even half your risk of getting certain cancers. Brussels Sprouts is a hearty member of this veggie family.

Time saver tip: Dry roast plenty of pumpkin seeds and save them in a glass jar for moments like these. That way the only work you really need to do is to quickly cook the Brussel`s sprouts, cut the avo, crumb the feta over it and mix it all together. It is really easy and quick. And yummy.


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