Hormone Disruptors

Common hormone disruptors, that should be avoided!
Xenoestrogens / Xenohormones / Endocrine disruptors / Hormone disruptors
Here follows a list of some of the most common hormone disruptors. This list is
incomplete and a work in progress, but should help you get started avoiding some of
the most common and harmful hormone disruptors.
- Chemical sunblocks:
Most sunblocks that are absorbed (disappear) into your skin have one of these strong hormone disruptors as an active ingredient:
o 3/4-Methylbenzylidene-camphor (4-MBC)
o octyl-methoxycinnamate (OMC)
o octyl-dimethyl-PABA (OD-PABA)
o bexophenome-3 (Bp-3)
o homosalate (HMS).
The only sunblocks that don`t contain this are the physical blocks with zinc-oxide/titanium-oxide, which is not absorbed into the skin or those with herbal and antioxidant protective substances.
- Most of the commercial air fresheners on the market.
- Aluminium:
Used as an anti-caking agent in standard baking powders.
Most standard baked goods contain aluminium.
In antiperspirant deodorant.
- Birth control pills
- Growth hormones in mass produced meat, dairy and eggs.
- BHA and BHT
In medications, such as certain statins.
Used as preservatives
o in food (E320)
o and in cosmetics, such as body lotions, moisturisers, shaving creams, sunscreens.
In plastic, such as water bottles
Till slips
Canned food and drinks (in the lining)
- Various insecticides (avoid insect sprays in your home!)
- Dry cleaning chemicals
- Fabric softeners